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February: The Month In Preview

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We are always looking for new ways to engage with our audience here at We Got This Covered, and if we take our name literally, that means delivering more content that helps our readers navigate the increasingly vast world of entertainment.

Thus, I am happy to announce the first in a series of new monthly features: The Month in Preview. Starting now, with February 2013, each new month will begin with a column exploring all the upcoming movies, Blu-Rays, video games, and TV shows for the next four weeks that we believe may interest our audience.

Arranged by week, the feature includes release dates, brief bits of information and commentary, and links to news and reviews that pertain to the given titles. February seems to be an uncommonly busy month this early in the year, with lots of interesting content coming your way before March. We will be there to cover it all when it arrives, of course, but for now, take a look at the month in preview…

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