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Femme Fatales Play Funny Games With Keanu Reeves In Knock Knock Trailer

I can think of worse ways to go. Still, Keanu Reeves looks none-too-happy about being put through the wringer by two sexy, psychopathic intruders in the latest trailer for Eli Roth's home invasion horror Knock Knock.

I can think of worse ways to go. Still, Keanu Reeves looks none-too-happy about being put through the wringer by two sexy, psychopathic intruders in the international trailer for Eli Roth’s home invasion horror Knock Knock.

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Reeves plays a family man who gives into his carnal impulses when two beautiful women (Lorenzo Izzo and Ana de Armas) turn up on his doorstep, claiming to be stranded during a storm, then seduce him. When he awakens in bed with them the next morning, though, the poor guy realizes that his impromptu fling isn’t just going to disappear, as the two lovely (and possibly lethal) ladies proceed to torture him psychologically, sexually and physically.

Roth has brought us some of the more twisted horror flicks in recent years, from Cabin Fever to Hostel, but he’s been on a downward trend as of late thanks to the middling Green Inferno. Maybe the less ambitious Knock Knock, which looks like a sexier riff on Funny Games, will be the film that puts him back on track. Plus, it’s going to be a hell of a lot of fun to watch Reeves face off with two femme fatales – until they kill his dog, at least. Then the games might be over.

Knock Knock will arrive August 13th.

Evan Webber (Keanu Reeves) is living the dream. Just look at his beautiful, successful wife, his two wonderful kids, and his truly stunning house—which he designed himself. Of course he did. Things are going so well, Evan doesn’t even mind spending Father’s Day alone while the rest of his family heads out for a beach weekend. And then there’s a knock on the door.

The two young women (Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas) standing on Evan’s doorstep are where Evan’s dream takes a nightmarish turn. Given co-writer/director Eli Roth’s well-deserved reputation for creating cinematic discomfort, it should come as no surprise what happens next.

Things get weird, and then dark, and then much, much, much darker. But this is no splatter film, so Roth keeps the horror nice and psychological as Evan’s life—and house—get ripped apart, piece by beautiful piece.