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Film fans name the movies so bad they caused them to walk out of the theater

One fan never returned after somehow Palpatine returned.

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A movie has to be pretty horrendous for a person to spend the time and money to see it only to walk out of the theater before it ends, with Redditors now naming and shaming the films that made this rare event happen.

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User cherrymachete began the discussion in r/movies. “Have you ever walked out of a movie due to it being so bad?” they asked before stating that they’ve done it on one occasion. “In 2020, I went to see this (imo) rubbish Christmas Carol Movie. The actors were ballet dancing whilst saying their lines. I didn’t realize that was what the film was meant to be like so I was super purplexed. [sic] Other than that I don’t think I’ve done it.”

The likely culprit is the 2020 British dance film A Christmas Carol, which has a 55 percent score on the Tomatometer.

Other Redditors chimed in with their walkout-causing movies. User mattylite1211 mentioned Uwe Boll’s video game-adapted horror film House of the Dead, which, at 3 percent, is one of the lowest-rated movies on Rotten Tomatoes. A different Redditor, Lithium-Ryan-Battery, concurred, writing that House of the Dead is the only movie they’ve walked out of.

byu/cherrymachete from discussion
byu/cherrymachete from discussion

XatuPrime cited Sex and the City 2, a movie that their wife made them see. After their walkout, she became their ex-wife.

byu/cherrymachete from discussion

Redditor garnier001 walked out of Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker after the terrible “somehow Palpatine returned” line.

byu/cherrymachete from discussion

Despite all these testimonies, the top comment is skeptical about most walkouts.

byu/cherrymachete from discussion

They certainly happen enough for a lively Reddit thread, but Archamasse may have a point in saying that most admissions are fabricated or exaggerated.