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Finally, ‘Star Wars’ fans agree to praise something in ‘The Last Jedi’

This is not going to go the way you think.

Star Wars Luke Last Jedi Milk
Image via Lucasfilm / Star Wars: The Last Jedi

We’re now a half decade on from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but many fans are still hopping mad about it. Complaints range from the way it very gently deconstructed some traditional Star Wars elements, the “disrespectful” treatment of Luke Skywalker, the clearing away of the half-baked puzzle boxes from The Force Awakens, and apparently the mere presence of Laura Dern’s Admiral Holdo.

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But for now, at least some fans have found a consensus. Over on r/StarWars, a poster says that while they continue to have major issues with Rian Johnson’s grumpy, milk-guzzlin’ hermit take on Luke, Mark Hamill “did a splendid job in the film”.

Replies agree, saying that everyone who appeared in the movie (“even Rose Tico”) did a great job, but they feel it was the writing that let them down. One poster even goes so far as to say Hamill almost “saved the movie”, with a reply agreeing that his The Last Jedi performance is up there with Ian McDiarmid and Ewan McGregor as one of the finest in all of Star Wars.

Even some of the most ardent The Last Jedi haters seem to have slightly reevaluated the film of late, though that’s likely because anything would look great when sat next to the objective cinematic car crash of The Rise of Skywalker.

We suspect that the coming years will see the sequel trilogy get a critical rehabilitation roughly in line with what happened to the prequels, with those who saw Disney’s Star Wars as children growing up with some strong nostalgia for the adventures of Rey, Finn, and Poe. Could The Last Jedi ever be a fan favorite movie? Stranger things have happened.