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First fan reactions to ‘Uncharted’ call it formulaic fun

Early fan reactions to 'Uncharted' are calling it a serviceable film that, by no stretch of the imagination, is a good 'Uncharted' adaptation.

remix by Keane Eacobellis

While it seems that critics are having a difficult time coming up with good things to say about Uncharted, early fan reactions are calling it a fun and watchable experience, though nothing that by any means reinvents or undermines Hollywood’s formulaic approach to action filmmaking.

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Starring Tom Holland as the infamous Nathan Drake, Uncharted is a prequel story that details the treasure hunter’s search for the Magellan gold. Accompanying him on this expedition is Victor Sullivan, portrayed by Mark Wahlberg, who headlines this ambitious adaptation alongside the Spider-Man star.

Ever since the first trailer came out last year, most fans realized that this was going to be a far cry from what they imagined an Uncharted film would look like in their minds. The film has now proven all those skepticisms right, if nothing else, so if you’re thinking of catching the video game adaptation on the big screens when it premieres this week, just make sure to go in with reasonable expectations.

And by reasonable, we mean your typical make-shift Hollywood action film, as reaffirmed by fans who’ve already watched the film. Below are some of the reactions they’ve been sharing on social media:


There were also a bunch of positive reactions, of course, so some might end up really enjoying the film despite the lackluster critical reception.


All in all, it seems that Uncharted is a passable adaptation in terms of industry standards, but if you’re going in expecting a masterpiece of storytelling and characterization, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.