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Forget ‘The Marvels,’ leaked details on another MCU movie’s post-credits scene tease the most unexpected character comeback of all

It certainly would be a surprise, but not necessarily a satisfying one.

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Image via Marvel Studios

MCU post-credits scene that make you go “hey, look it’s what’s-their-face from that other movie and/or TV show!” is Marvel’s bread and butter, and The Marvels is certainly delivering on this front in spades. And yet an upcoming film from the studio could go even further, if alleged info is to be believed.

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From one captain to another, Captain America: Brave New World is on its way in 2024 — and thanks to wrapping up prior to the strikes, it’s all ready to go, meaning it’ll likely land in Deadpool 3‘s May slot instead. As the four-quel is in the can, then, its post-credits tag probably has already been shot. Nevertheless, feel free to take the following claim with a Hulk-sized pinch of salt.

According to self-proclaimed scooper MyTimeToShineHello, Brave New World features an even more unexpected character comeback than any of those in The Marvels. Why? Because this character was last seen in a vaguely remembered Phase One film that languishes out on the fringes of Marvel canon. Are you ready? Apparently Captain America 4‘s post-credits scene will bring back Betty Ross.

Bruce Banner’s original MCU love interest, before his unsuccessful fling with Black Widow, Betty was played by Liv Tyler in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk and hasn’t been mentioned in another movie since. That said, Betty did reappear in an episode of What If…? season 1, as voiced by Stephanie Panisello. This led to theories at the time that Betty could return in live-action. And with Cap 4 also containing Harrison Ford as her face-lifted father, Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, you can see the logic.

Although, whether audiences hungry for hints at the likes of the X-Men, Kang, and the Fantastic Four will be satisfied with a cameo from a one-and-done supporting character from what will be 16 years before is another matter entirely.