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Full Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice Trailer Leaks Online

As expected, the full trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice has leaked onto the web. It's not too surprising, either, given that the ending was leaked out earlier this afternoon.

UPDATE: The official trailer has now been released and can be viewed above.

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As expected, the full trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice has leaked onto the web. It’s not too surprising, either, given that the ending was leaked out earlier this afternoon and that Warner Bros. chose a pretty poor release strategy for it.

Regardless, we now have our first real look at one of the most highly-anticipated films of possibly all-time and I have to say, it does not disappoint in the slightest. We don’t get much, but it’s important to remember that this is just a teaser and as a piece of marketing material meant to offer up only a brief look at the film, it does its job.

The first thing you’ll notice here is just how dark the footage is. And no, I don’t mean the lighting on it. Yes, it is a bootleg version and the quality is far from ideal, but I’m referring to the tone of the film. We knew that DC/Warner Bros. were going for a more gritty and grounded feeling with their cinematic universe, and this tantalizing preview certainly gets that point across. It’s still a bit too early to tell, but I think this version of Batman may even be a bit darker than Nolan’s.


Of course, the trailer doesn’t give anything away in terms of plot, and only shows off the two titular heroes, but there is another thing worth mentioning. As previously rumored, it looks like the film is going to explore Superman and how his presence is going to affect humanity, which should be pretty interesting. There’s a fairly deep (well, deep for a comic book movie) voiceover throughout as well that signals that the film may have some brains beneath its shiny exterior, which would definitely be refreshing for the genre.

Aside from that, there’s not much else to take away from the footage here. That being said, I’m really digging how far they’ve strayed from Marvel’s cinematic universe. They promised us dark and gritty and it looks like that’s exactly what we’re getting. And I, for one, could not be more excited.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, Jesse Eisenberg, Gal Gadot, Diane Lane, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, Scoot McNairy and Jason Momoa and opens in theaters on March 25, 2016.

Check out the trailer above and let us know what you think of it in the comments section. We’ll be sure to update this post once an HD version is made available.