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Full Length Trailer For The Skin I Live In

We've only seen brief, albeit brilliant, teasers for Pedro Almodovar's Hitchcockian thriller/Cronenbergian body horror hybrid The Skin I Live In, but we can now bring you a full length trailer, which is shamefully all in Spanish. However, the tone is superbly captured by the trailer with harsh electric guitar, the grungy visuals and inspired fucked up moments. Like the other trailers and the film itself, it is also beautifully pieced together.

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We’ve only seen brief, albeit brilliant, teasers for Pedro Almodovar‘s Hitchcockian thriller/Cronenbergian body horror hybrid The Skin I Live In, but we can now bring you a full length trailer, which is shamefully all in Spanish. However, the tone is superbly captured by the trailer with harsh electric guitar, the grungy visuals and inspired fucked up moments. Like the other trailers and the film itself, it is also beautifully pieced together.

The film gained some mixed reviews in Cannes but I’m convinced it’s the best film I’ve seen all year, or at least the most daringly original. Almodovar loves showing his audience things they have never seen before and things they never even would have thought of seeing. It is a twisted but thrilling ride that tries its hardest to reach the biggest possible audience despite being in Spanish. It is more genre cinema than art house cinema.

Based on French novelist Thierry Jonquet’s novel Mygale, the film tells the story of plastic surgeon Robert Ledgard who is traumatized by past tragedies and is trying to develop a skin that withstands damage, however he tests these entirely on live humans which are strictly guinea pigs.

The Skin I Live In will have its North American premiere at the Toronto Film Festival and will then be released on October 14th.

Watch the trailer below and let us know what you think.

Source: Shock Till You Drop

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