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George Lucas thought Sean Connery would ruin ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’

George Lucas initially was not at all convinced that the James Bond actor was a good choice for the Indy role.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Getty Images)
photo by Murray Close/Getty Images

When Sean Connery was cast to play Henry Jones Sr. in the third featured film of the series Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeGeorge Lucas wasn’t exactly thrilled about it.

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In an Indiana Jones documentary available on YouTube, Lucas explains (beginning at the 44:30 mark for those who prefer to also view the video) that he thought Connery being so well known for portraying James Bond could hurt the Indiana Jones film.

Casting Connery was actually director Steven Spielberg’s idea. Lucas notes that the suggestion initially happened shortly after Spielberg convinced him that they should have Indiana Jones’ father play a big part in the film. Then, Spielberg talked about Connery in the role. 

“Sean Connery?” Lucas mimicked what his reaction was to Spielberg. “For God’s sakes, everyone’ s gonna think he’s James Bond. It’s gonna ruin everything.”

Spielberg countered Lucas’ concerns by reminding him that the Indiana Jones character partly came out of a love of James Bond. “So,” Lucas relayed what Spielberg’s point was, “James Bond really is Indiana Jones’ father.”

Still, George Lucas — who who was the main writer and executive producer on the 1989 film — wasn’t totally convinced that Sean Connery would be the right choice, though he relented, and Connery was cast in the role.

“I was afraid that Sean wouldn’t cooperate with being the old father who can’t do anything,” Lucas added.

Connery’s portrayal as Henry Jones, Sr. in the film is often praised, partly because it added a new and entertaining dynamic to the series, as Harrison Ford also does an exceptional job adapting to having his character’s father suddenly in a film for the first time in the franchise.

While filming, the father-son relationship was clearly working, and the two actors performed together perfectly. It also won Lucas over.

All of Lucas’ doubts were erased when he saw Connery and Harrison working together pretty early on. Lucas concluded, “Sean just took that role, and made it better than it could’ve possibly been.”