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George R.R. Martin shares his thoughts on ‘Doctor Strange 2’

Because it's not like he has anything better to do right now.

Doctor Strange
Image via Marvel Studios

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is now available digitally around the world and one of the people to finally catch the film after this release is Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin.

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In a post to the author’s blog titled “fanboying” Martin shared his thoughts on the film and spoiler alert: he loved it!

Martin shared huge praise for the film’s director Sam Raimi and shared that Doctor Strange is one of his favorite characters from Marvel Comics.

“Sam Raimi has always been one of my favorite directors. And Dr. Strange has always been one of my favorite Marvel characters. And this version of Dr. Strange, slipping through portals into surreal dimensions full of floaty things and alternate realities, was the Doctor I fell in love with, way way way back when world was young (and so was I). They even gave us CLEA! I love Clea!”

Like any true Marvel fan, Martin sat through the credits to catch a glimpse of what comes next for Doctor Strange and found another of his favorite characters Clea.

Martin continued elaborating on his experience seeing the film reminiscing about how it bought back memories of him being 15 and attending the very first ComiCon back in 1964.

“The whole con was held in one small room in some sort of union hall, with hucksters selling old comics from cardboard boxes along one wall, and the speakers at a podium in the front. Fabulous Flo Steinberg turned up.. and so did Steve Ditko. It might well have been the only comicon he ever attended… but I got to talk to him, and tell him how much I loved his art. Especially on Dr. Strange. Ditko was reserved, maybe a bit shy, but genial enough.   He told me that Dr. Strange was his favorite as well.  Yes, even more than Spider-Man.”

Closing things out, Martin said that seeing Doctor Strange in the Mutlviierse of Madness has awoken the fanboy in him and provided a joyous experience.

If you haven’t yet seen the film Doctor Strange 2 is available to stream on Disney Plus or purchase digitally.