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6 Flaws To Correct For The Godzilla Sequels

Let's get one thing straight, Gareth Edwards' version of Godzilla is far from a bad movie, it's actually a wholly worthwhile one that captures the essence of what a Godzilla film should be, unlike a certain piece of garbage from 1998. The destruction is off the charts as areas of Japan, Hawaii, Las Vegas, and San Francisco are all completely levelled; with the chaos elegantly shot from street-level camera-work that really puts into perspective just how large these creatures are and just how much damage they are inflicting.

The Cut-Aways

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By far the most grating aspect of Godzilla is the numerous amount of times a spectacular action sequence between the giant lizard himself and the MUTOs are blatantly teased, only for the scene to cut away from something else entirely. In most cases, these cuts soul-crushingly go straight to the already discussed boring and bland human characters, which is probably the biggest bummer the filmmakers could have given in these situations.

At one point, the movie simply cuts to 10 seconds of television media coverage of the battle, which was probably worse than showing nothing at all because the audience is directly being told that monstrous levels of chaos took place and that they didn’t see any of it. To make matters worse, a child is given a very stupid one-liner regarding what he is seeing on the news, because that’s totally what I came to see Godzilla for.

Even towards the climax of the film when the monsters are duking it out, the fight is constantly interrupted by the boring human characters in the bomb situation. Director Gareth Edwards should probably take the advice of his characters a little more closely next time and let his beasts fight, just like Ken Watanabe explains moments before the showdown.