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Is Haley Bennett Playing Catwoman In Gotham City Sirens?

One could argue that we still really haven't had a great portrayal of Catwoman on the big screen. Halle Berry's time with the iconic character is best forgotten, and while Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway both did some solid work, each of their performances had issues. Still, DC isn't giving up on Selina Kyle and will attempt, once again, to bring her to life in Gotham City Sirens.


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One could argue that we still really haven’t had a great portrayal of Catwoman on the big screen. Halle Berry’s time with the iconic character is best forgotten, and while Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway both did some solid work, each of their performances had definite issues. Still, DC isn’t giving up on Selina Kyle and will attempt, once again, to bring her to life in Gotham City Sirens.

For those who don’t know, the David Ayer-helmed spinoff is reportedly set to feature Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. While Margot Robbie will return to reprise her role as the latter, after impressing in Suicide Squad, the other two characters haven’t been cast yet.

We’ve heard that Megan Fox might be in the running for Ivy, but rumors on the Catwoman role have been almost non-existent. Until recently, that is, as actresss Haley Bennett (The Girl on the Train, The Magnificent Seven) has posted two very intriguing photos on Instagram, which you can see in the gallery below.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure what’s going on here, right? The Catwoman picture is completely random and wouldn’t make sense to post unless she was teasing something. Furthering the case that she may be playing the character is the next photo, which shows Bennett with a new hairstyle that doesn’t look too different from what we’ve seen Selina Kyle wear in the past. Could it be that Warner Bros. has cast the rising talent in the Gotham City Sirens? It’s certainly looking likely. After all, Bennett is a hot up and coming actress and the studio would be wise to lock her down for a large role in their DC Extended Universe.

Then again, there’s absolutely nothing to say that this is a done deal and for all we know, these Instagram posts may not mean anything. Actors and actresses troll their fans all the time with this type of stuff and it wouldn’t be the first occasion where everyone got all excited over nothing. Still, it’s not too outside the realm of possibility to see Bennett being cast as Catwoman in Gotham City Sirens, as it’d make sense on a number of different levels.

We’ll be sure to let you know once Warner Bros. comments on this one way or another, but until then, head on down to the comments section and let us know who you’d like to see in the role!