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The Hangover Part II Character Posters

The Wolfpack is back! And by that I mean The Hangover Part II is just around the corner. With a little over a month until release, Warner Bros. is amping up the marketing and today they've released a set of character posters for the film. I loved the first film but as for the sequel, well, I wasn't too impressed with the trailer we recently saw. It was underwhelming and didn't give me much hope for the film. That being said, I'm going to remain optimistic. There is some great talent at work here and hopefully the trailer wasn't entirely representative of what we'll see on May 26th.

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The Wolfpack is back! And by that I mean The Hangover Part II is just around the corner. With a little over a month until release, Warner Bros. is amping up the marketing and today they’ve released a set of character posters for the movie. I loved the first film but as for the sequel, well, I wasn’t too impressed with the trailer we recently saw. It was underwhelming and didn’t give me much hope for the film. That being said, I’m going to remain optimistic. There is some great talent at work here and hopefully the trailer wasn’t entirely representative of what we’ll see on May 26th. Hopefully director Todd Phillips still has some surprises in store for us.