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8 Movies Only a Bitter, Cynical Person Could Hate

Really serious movie people, like the kinds who write for newspapers and magazines and want to be taken really really seriously when it comes to opinions on movies (which they would of course refer to as “films”, or “cinema”), prefer movies that are serious so they can talk about them in a serious way and demonstrate how serious they are. If you take a look at the yearly top ten lists for most critics, they’ll be comprised of many serious dramas. I’m guilty of this.

6) Garden State

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There exists a sizeable contingent of people who don’t like Garden State. I don’t deny their existence. All I deny is their human capability to feel. This movie expresses something about feelings experienced by people in their 20s that eludes most movies depicting folks in that demographic. At least, it’s been a while since something came along that spoke to issues in this way. The last one I can think of before it was Reality Bites, which is charming today but feels a little dated.

Zach Braff uses music to really great effect here, but also some compelling visual tricks and true moments that depend on solid performances. It’s a hard movie to place because it tries to balance comedic elements with heartfelt drama, and it’s not always done completely effectively. Still, it’s a movie with a lot to say, and is completely earnest in the way it says it, which is a rare thing.