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Harrison Ford reveals if Indiana Jones would change his approach to Nazi-punching in the modern day

It ain't the years, honey, it's the mileage.

indiana jones
via Lucasfilm

If there’s one thing Indiana Jones is better at than anybody else – which is no small claim to fame given that he’s one of cinema’s most iconic characters – it’s punching Nazis squarely in the face to the joy of millions around the world.

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For more than 40 years, the legendary archeologist has done his best to put them in their place, and he’ll be back at it again in a matter of weeks when Dial of Destiny finally comes to theaters. Sure, the whip-cracking adventurer may be getting a little longer in the tooth, but if the trailers are any indication – so long as we ignore the middling reviews – he’s clearly still got it.

Unfortunately, the Nazi-puncher extraordinaire is back in the headlines at the same time far-right groups utilizing the iconography have been making an unsavory rise back to what they believe to be relevancy, even if it’s nothing more than bile and hatred. To that end, when asked by Kevin Polowy how Indy would react in 2023 to the resurgence of hate-spewing groups, the screen legend didn’t hold back.

“He’d push ’em out of the way to get in the first punch. As well he should.”

There you have it, folks; the man himself has outlined in no uncertain terms that regardless of whether Indy is operating in the 1940s, 50s, 60s, or even 2023, there’s only one outcome should he ever come across a Nazi, and it’s one that he’s perfected over the decades. Let’s just hope Ford doesn’t stumble across one in the wild, then, because it’ll be game over.