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Helen Mirren Is Flattered To Be Mistaken For Keanu Reeves’ Girlfriend

After being mistaken for Keanu Reeves' new girlfriend, Alexandra Grant, Helen Mirren said that she was flattered by the mix-up.

Keanu Reeves

This year, Keanu Reeves has been the subject of a very strange renaissance online. After starting off 2019 with the horrendous film Replicas, his nearly back-to-back-to-back performances in John Wick: Chapter 3 – ParabellumAlways Be My Maybe, and Toy Story 4 quickly made him one of the hottest names of the summer.

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So when the beloved actor, who’s been notoriously quiet about his personal life, appeared to publicly confirm his relationship with artist Alexandra Grant, the internet, for lack of a better word, broke.

Unfortunately, some of the ramblings that ensued were not all that kind. Many people, who found the 46-year-old’s decision to wear her natural, silver hair onto the red carpet, mistook her for a much older woman. In fact, they mistook her for a very specific older woman: Helen Mirren.

While that theory was quickly busted by a fact check, its ripples still found their way to the Oscar-winning actress’ doorstep. And in a recent interview with ET during promotion for her upcoming film, The Good Liar, Mirren said she was “flattered” by the mix-up.

“I saw that,” she said. “That was very flattering on me, you know, because she’s obviously lovely.”

While they’re not going out, Mirren, who’s been off the market for over two decades – she’s been married to director Taylor Hackford for 22 years – revealed that she still thinks very highly of Reeves.

“I do know Keanu very well. He did a film with my husband and he is just the most adorable, lovely person,” Mirren said, in reference to 1997’s cult classic The Devil’s Advocate. “So she’s a lucky girl and I’m sure that he’s a lucky boy.”

This rumored girlfriend is just the latest dent Keanu Reeves‘ presence has left on the pop culture world. In addition to those aforementioned films, his chivalry with female fans has also made it to the limelight, and he’s set to appear in the Cyberpunk 2077 video game, Bill & Ted Face the Music AND The Matrix 4. For Reeves’ sake, hopefully the offers keep coming in.