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Hell freezes over after ‘The Flash’ poster convinces everyone that James Gunn was right all along

Well, well, well, how the turntables.

Image via Warner Bros.

If you’ve been on the internet at all since James Gunn and Peter Safran were first installed as co-CEOs of DC Studios, then you’ll know fine well that the dynamic duo haven’t exactly been welcomed with open arms by all comers. And yet, that sentiment shifted in an instant, and all it took was the first poster for The Flash.

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Ezra Miller’s solo debut as the Scarlet Speedster was first announced way back in October of 2014, and yet we’re still waiting patiently for the first trailer to drop. It’s been a wild ride since then that’s seen plenty of upheaval on either side of the camera, but now even Gunn’s harshest critics are starting to think he might have been right all along.

Despite the behind the scenes turmoil, word has never wavered that The Flash is supposed to be a very, very, very good superhero blockbuster. In fact, Gunn called it one of the best he’d ever seen, and now everyone is starting to come around to that way of thinking thanks entirely to a simple one-sheet.


Hiding Miller’s face was a smartly strategic move that won’t fly when the marketing campaign kicks into high gear, and nods to Michael Keaton’s Batman are bound to get the purists purring. The proof will be in the pudding, though, with The Flash now looking forward to see if it can live up to its billing as a potential all-timer in the realm of comic book adaptations.

Even then, we’d settle for very, very, very good, given how long we’ve been waiting.