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Henry Cavill’s Superman Battles Brainiac In Awesome DCEU Fan Art

Fans of the DCEU have made it abundantly clear that they want to see Henry Cavill headline a new Superman movie, and having willed the Snyder Cut of Justice League into existence following a two and a half year online campaign, it can't be ruled out that they might get their wish yet again.


Fans of the DCEU have made it abundantly clear that they want to see Henry Cavill headline a new Superman movie, and having willed the Snyder Cut of Justice League into existence following a two and a half year online campaign, it can’t be ruled out that they might get their wish yet again.

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Despite playing the title character in the launchpad for an entire shared universe, though, Cavill’s Big Blue Boy Scout has since found himself shunted firmly into the background. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice put the spotlight mostly on Ben Affleck’s Dark Knight, while his role in Justice League was little more than a glorified cameo, although the Snyder Cut at least looks to be giving Krypton’s favorite son a much more substantial arc the second time around.

There was even talk that Cavill would be replaced entirely, although those rumors seem to have been put to bed when it was announced that he’d be returning in multiple upcoming DCEU installments, not to mention there’ve been reports that he’s signed a new deal to lead his own solo adventures. With that in mind, Yadvender Singh Rana has created some fan art that imagines Superman facing off against Brainiac, which you can check out below.

Warner Bros. have announced countless new entries in the DCEU over the years, many of which were quickly forgotten about and never mentioned again, but for some reason a Man of Steel sequel hasn’t been a priority. With the franchise finally finding its footing after some early missteps, though, surely now is the time to utilize Superman to his full cinematic potential given his status as one of the studio’s marquee names.