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Here’s Who Dies In Captain America: Civil War

Ready for some spoilers? If not, then you should probably turn back, as we've just learnt which character will meet his maker in Marvel's Captain America: Civil War.

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So, according to the folks over at Heroic Hollywood, Black Panther’s dad, T’Chaka, will be killed off in the film. There’s no details on how exactly he’ll meet his end, but in the comics, Ulysses Klaw takes him out, so perhaps the same thing will happen here. After all, this could prove to be the catalyst for getting T’Challa aka Black Panther over to the States from Wakanda.

Regardless of how it happens, it seems that poor old T’Chaka will have a short-lived role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As for who will be playing the character, we don’t have any word on that just yet, but with filming now underway, expect to hear more shortly.

Tell us, how do you think T’Chaka will be killed off inĀ Captain America: Civil War? Do you have any theories of your own? Sound off below!