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Hilarious Poster For The Suicide Squad Parodies Will Smith’s King Richard

When the first trailer for Will Smith's upcoming biographical drama King Richard was released, viewers found themselves wiping away a tear or two. It looks to be an emotionally powerful biographical drama that's already put the star at the forefront of the awards season conversation, but that doesn't mean The Suicide Squad can't have a little fun at the former Deadshot's expense.

The Suicide Squad

When the first trailer for Will Smith’s upcoming biographical drama King Richard was released, viewers found themselves wiping away a tear or two. It looks to be an emotionally powerful biographical drama that’s already put the star at the forefront of the awards season conversation, but that doesn’t mean The Suicide Squad can’t have a little fun at the former Deadshot’s expense.

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It’s certainly a unique method of brand synergy, leaning into both Smith’s history with Task Force X and his appearance in a major Warner Bros. release. Floyd Lawton may not have returned for The Suicide Squad due to scheduling conflicts, but with James Gunn poised to potentially stick around the DCEU for at least one more movie and the titular team running short on numbers once again, maybe he’ll show up in a third installment.

To capitalize on the critical acclaim and presumed commercial success set to befall The Suicide Squad, the marketing team has revealed a new one-sheet that positions instant fan favorite King Shark as the star of a heavyweight drama. You can check it out below, along with the original King Richard poster to see where they got their inspiration.

All this is going to do is make people want to see Sylvester Stallone’s Nanaue get his own solo film designed to tug at the heartstrings, something he already managed to do in The Suicide Squad despite his unquenchable thirst for human flesh and habit of tearing people limb from limb. King Shark’s endearingly goofy persona has gone down a storm, but let’s keep him away from the tennis courts of King Richard, just in case he devours everyone whole.