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Hopes raised that James Gunn can finally find big screen spot for long-tenured DC icon

Not too many lesser-known characters have graduated from the small to the big screen.

Smallville Justice
Photo via The CW

When James Gunn assumed co-leadership duties of the DC Comics media output earlier this year with Peter Safran, he came into a franchise which has yet to exploit its vast library of characters. While the world knows Batman and Superman, not too many lesser characters have gotten to the big screen. Now, fans have hope one will finally get to make a jump from television.

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The above post, found on the official subreddit for discussing DC Comics film adaptations, is burning up with enthusiasm as of this story’s filing. While Black Canary already has appeared in the Birds of Prey movie, fans want her to be a more comic-accurate version going ahead, and one user says the pair should be put together with a villain they have both faced for a proper re-introduction.

Differing sentiment from another user, who says that performers from the Birds of Prey movie should return to their roles in the new version of the franchise. For another, it would not make sense to put in Green Arrow with the more fantastical characters Gunn is going for with his team. Instead, Oliver Queen should meet Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne for double the dark and brooding crossover bit.

While several are happy to speculate and discuss, another user is tired of the endless discourse, and suggested the conversation is an artificial construct. Essentially, given the repeated similar activity, the post above feels more like a program than a real voice.

Nothing is official right now for either property, and depending on what happens in the forthcoming The Flash movie, they may be both wiped away completely. Audiences will just have to wait and see, and, whatever happens, the Arrow television show will always exist alongside the different version of the character on Smallville. As well, there was almost a Green Arrow movie years ago. Titled Green Arrow: Escape from Super Max, it would have seen the character incarcerated after being wrongly convicted for murder alongside various B- and C-list supervillains and rogue heroes while trying to escape and ultimately clear his name completely.

James Gunn has also said the character was a favorite of his as a child — where he went so far as to dress as Queen and even made his own hats — so, given the power he has now (and barring Zaslav being a cheapskate), there is still hope for the emerald archer. As well, Gunn also mentions him in the Peacemaker television show, though not in the most glowing terms for a heroic figure.