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How can I get free tickets to ‘Sound of Freedom?’

Find out if your local theater has tickets to give away.

Screengrab via Angel Studios

The movie that defied all odds and made a mockery of Disney and major streaming platforms at the same time is continuing to sell tickets. If you’re curious about seeing Sound of Freedom but you don’t want to spend actual money on what many consider to be a right-wing religious propaganda flick, now is your chance to go and see the film for free.

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What you have to do

But how do I get a free ticket? Well, thanks to Angel Studios’ pay it forward program, your local theater may have tickets already paid for by some unselfish individual who probably has too much disposable income. But you can find out, or request a free ticket, by going to the official Angel Studios website and following these steps.

  1. Enter your location and the date you want to see the movie
  2. Enter a time.
  3. If someone has paid forward then you can follow the prompts for a free ticket.

It’s pretty easy, so long as someone has paid forward in your local theater then you can claim the ticket and have a free day out to the cinema. The pay it forward program seems to have worked out for the movie as it’s made over $160 million at the box office, despite many screenings reportedly being empty. It seems that the target audience for the film is more than willing to funnel their own money into the project to make sure it succeeds. In some cases, employers have even tried to force their own workers to go and see the film.

The film is coming out of theaters

If your local theater isn’t showing the movie then you can fill out a contact form on the studio’s website and they’ll get back to you. Viewers are also encouraged to call their local theater and request screenings of the film.

While it’s certainly made plenty of money during its run, the figure has definitely been inflated by the pay it forward program, with people buying tickets but not showing up, so it’s probably not been seen by as many people as the figures suggest. Angel Studios has pulled out all the stops to make sure the film is a financial success even if that success is owed to a few QAnon conspiracy bros buying multiple tickets for people who aren’t showing up to the theaters. Not that that really matters to the Studio which has made a killing despite the numerous controversies surrounding the flick.