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Hugh Jackman Teases Wolverine 3 With Brooding Image

Hugh Jackman will finally hang up the adamantium claws after 2017's untitled Wolverine solo pic, which James Mangold is directing, and the actor has taken to Twitter to bait fans with a tease for the anticipated blockbuster.


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Hugh Jackman will finally hang up the adamantium claws after 2017’s untitled Wolverine solo pic, which James Mangold is directing, and the actor has taken to Twitter to bait fans with a tease for the anticipated blockbuster.

Asking fans what they want to see from the final go-round for Jackman’s grizzled mutant, in which Mangold and the actor are currently teaming with scribe Michael Green, Jackman recently tweeted an ominous image accompanied by the tagline “One Last Time:”

The actor has noted that the beloved Old Man Logan storyline will be (presumably somewhat loosely) adapted for the pic, which was enough to work fans up into a thrilled frenzy, so it’s safe to say he’s going to be getting quite a few story suggestions on social media for the next few days/weeks/months.


Though material from the comics will likely be utilized for the still untitled Wolverine 3, it’s probable that none will be exactly straight adaptations. What’s going to be really interesting is seeing how the creative team plans to give Logan an appropriately magnificent swan song while remaining true to the retconned post-Days of Future Past timeline that has brought Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) and Cyclops (James Marsden) back to life.

X-Men: Apocalypse is dodging fidelity to that new timeline by taking place in the ’80s with younger versions of the main mutants, but this Wolverine standalone must take place long down the road if it’s pulling from Old Man Logan, so it’s going to have to essentially figure out the long game for Fox’s X-Men franchise before the studio knows itself. And with a planned crossover with Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four movies in the pipeline, that might be an exceedingly tall order.

The untitled Wolverine stand-alone will bow on March 3, 2017.

wolverine 3