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Hyundai Spider-Man short film ‘Only Way Home’ teased with Jon Watts directing

Fans are already hoping that this will be a wild and unexpected reveal of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.

With fans still analyzing the latest trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home and finding tons of hidden details, we might have just gotten another unlikely source of information prior to the film’s release

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Hyundai announced that Jon Watts, yes the Jon Watts who has directed the previous Spider-Man films for the MCU and is signed on for the upcoming Fantastic Four film, has directed an exclusive short film for the company titled Only Way Home.

You can check out the teaser trailer for the short below.


The new film, which is of course likely also a bit of an ad, will premiere on November 22, 2021, just twenty-five days before the movie proper hits. While it’s not exactly another trailer that fans would die for, there is no doubt going to be lots of little easter eggs, fun moments, and potential hints at what is to come in No Way Home.

Of course, fans are already hoping for the most unexpected moment possible to happen in the short film.

And yes, a car commercial has half as many trailers as No Way Home has.

What do you think of this new development for Spider-Man: No Way Home? Is there any possibility we get a surprise reveal? Sound off in the comments!