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‘I am not an icon’: Robert Englund has plans for an ‘Elm Street’ future but without his Freddy Krueger

'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nothing will ever kill me.'

Image via New Line Cinema

The horror genre has its legends, and I will find hardly any resistance when I say A Nightmare on Elm Street’s child-killer Freddy Krueger, who redefined what feeling chilled to your bones truly means, leads this particular faction. A big chunk of the villain’s fame is courtesy of how well Robert Englund played him across eight films and one TV series. Sadly, not only does the actor not consider himself an “icon” for making the terrifying serial killer a cinematic legend, but his optimistic plans for the franchise also don’t include his Freddy Krueger. 

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In a new chat with Variety, the actor sat down to reminisce about how his signature character earned the horror genre more of the respect and recognition it deserved. But despite being the only Freddy the world will ever accept, Englund refuses to take credit for the character’s popularity. 

“I know who icons are. I’m not an icon. Maybe Freddy Krueger is, but I’m not. I’m just a character actor, a utility actor who’s been very lucky.”

Englund last played the supernatural monster in 2003’s instant hit Freddy vs. Jason, which was followed by Jackie Earle Haley taking over as the burned evil, haunting its victims in 2010’s widely panned and disliked remake that put a stopper on potential sequels. 

But despite the hiccup, the V star still has hopes for the franchise and even has a blossoming plan about how to establish it in the current land of “technology and culture.”

“For instance, if one of the girls was an influencer, it would be interesting for Freddy to somehow haunt her subconscious and manifest himself, perhaps exploit everybody that followed her,” he wondered. But he broke the heart of this horror addict right here by confirming that he has no hope of being a part of this potential future for Elm Street sequels. 

“I’m too old and thick to play Freddy now. I just can’t do fight scenes for more than one take anymore, I’ve got a bad neck and bad back and arthritis in my right wrist. So I have to hang it up, but I would love to cameo.”

Well, beggars can’t be choosers. So, we will take the possibility of Englund doing a cameo in an Elm Street sequel down the line, even if donning the iconic fedora is no longer a possibility. And it’s not like he is done starring in scary treats featuring chilling serial killers