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‘I will be calling a lawyer now for sure’: Boss trying to force employees to see ‘Sound of Freedom’ is about to receive a wake-up call

Things escalated pretty quickly.

Jim Caviezel in Sound of Freedom
Screengrab via YouTube/Angel Studios

Sound of Freedom has inexplicably taken the box office by storm, although perhaps some of that success can be explained by entitled managers forcing all of their employees to watch the controversial action flick.

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At least that’s what one manager has tried to do as a Redditor, Baekseoulhui, shared their story on /FundieSnarkUncensored, a subreddit dedicated to “snarking on fundamentalist Christianity and extremist Christian views.” According to the original poster, their manager had organized for the entire company to go to the cinema during work and watch Sound of Freedom.

While a trip to the cinema on work time sounds like a pretty fun idea, the Redditor was understandably displeased with being dragged along to watch religious propaganda tinged with right-wing conspiracy theories.

“They want us to go during the work day… How do I politely say I refuse to see bulls*** religious propaganda?”

Maybe they could all go and see Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny instead?

According to the OP, the company is made up predominantly of Mormons, with the Redditor being one of the two non-Mormon employees. On top of that, the company does a lot of work with a human trafficking company “So unfortunately, it all lines up with their ‘values.'” Baekseoulhui did email their manager to get out of the group viewing, but unfortunately, that only seemed to make matters worse.

“I sent a private email to the manager stating that I appreciate the invite but I would not be attending… I now have a meeting with HR tomorrow.”

It sounds like a pretty toxic work environment to me, but the manager’s reaction tips it over into unhinged territory.

“The manager who is angry about me not going is now going around telling people that I SUPPORT human trafficking 🙂 things have escalated from 0-100 quite quickly and I will be calling a lawyer now for sure.”

In the legal business, that is what they call slander, and the OP is right to contact a lawyer as many on the subreddit agreed. Not only has the manager made a pretty unreasonable request to begin with, but they’ve doubled down and their words could really land Baekseoulhui in a lot of trouble.

 “Like if the wrong person hears that and makes one phone call I have the FBI AT MY DOOR…”

Hopefully, they do lawyer up and give this manager a wake-up call. Many in the subreddit were shocked at how quickly someone could jump to accusing someone of human trafficking based on nothing.

“Why, WHY is this always their f***ing fall back.

You don’t like their s****y little movies or grifting campaigns? You’re a pedophile. Who the f*** behaves like this.”

It’s worth noting that the OP did some digging into the human trafficking company that their job worked alongside. Turns out even they have spoken out against Sound of Freedom.

“I actually went and found the organization we work with (the Elizabeth Smart foundation). And they HAVE spoken out against the movie LOL”

So, there you have it — even human trafficking charities have condemned Sound of Freedom.