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If you can believe it, the blowback from dredging up James Gunn’s alleged disdain of Batman classics drags Zack Snyder into its orbit

A turn of events nobody could have seen coming...

zack snyder ben affleck batman
via Warner Bros.

We all said plenty of things 10 years ago that don’t reflect who we are as people anymore, but with the exception of one person, none of us are currently the co-CEO of DC Studios developing a Batman reboot as pearls get clutched all over the internet on account of comments made a decade in the past.

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Unfortunately, that’s the position James Gunn finds himself in after somebody went to the trouble of digging up alleged – as in, unverified at this moment in time – Facebook posts from days gone by where he outlined in no uncertain terms that not only did he hold an active dislike of Tim Burton’s 1989 classic, Christopher Nolan’s seminal Batman Begins made it onto his sh*tlist, too.

batman begins
via Warner Bros.

The knee-jerk reaction is that Gunn should immediately be removed from his post for not liking a pair of blockbusters that he’s under no obligation to enjoy, which is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds. In the most inevitable development imaginable, though, the battle lines were swiftly drawn in the sand as Zack Snyder‘s supporters emerged from the woodwork to make a frantic dash for the moral high ground.

You could have seen this coming from several miles away, but we can’t overlook that as much as Snyder hasn’t been caught publicly trashing the Dark Knight’s cinematic adventures, he’s also come in for a fair amount of criticism for his perceived misunderstanding of the iconic crimefighter during his tenure as the figurehead of the DCEU’s initial burst of creativity.

At the end of the day, everyone is just p*ssing into the wind when it doesn’t matter what DC stories Gunn does or doesn’t like, as long as he can get the shared universe off life support when his reboot takes shape.