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UPDATED: Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer Impressions

Wow, is 2013 going to be a hell of a year for horror or what? James Wan's first film The Conjuring hasn't even hit theaters yet (it will be released July 19th), yet tonight I found myself at a special event for the World Premiere screening of the very first trailer for Wan's second directorial effort of 2013, Insidious: Chapter 2.

We also all know how Insidious ends, right? Well, it’s obvious Patrick Wilson’s character Josh hasn’t shaken the entity which used him to travel back, as Josh is seen pulling a bloody tooth out of his mouth at one point like he’s deteriorating. In another cut, Josh’s son Dalton is seen spying on his father while he talks to himself, again showing something is very not right about our father character.

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Not to forget the other realm James Wan created called “The Further,” Josh is once again shown going back, running into the same ghastly character types, one of which in particular warns him his baby is in trouble. Uh Oh.

The rest of the trailer is filled with paranormal tom-foolery like a row of rocking-horses moving on their own, grisly imagery of bodies, and things being thrown around the house – but there’s no appearance of our red-painted demon from the first Insidious. All the monsters here are in ghost form, but in no way does that mean that’s all we’re getting.

Oh yeah, and for good measure Wan uses Tiny Tim’s “Tiptoe Through The Tulips” to set the mood once again – as if you weren’t uneasy enough already. You can check out the trailer below:

After the trailer we were treated to a live streaming Q&A featuring director James Wan himself, where he revealed a little more about his movie and the plot we can expect. According to Wan, Insidious: Chapter 2 will absolutely follow right where Insidious left off, confirming that Josh still might be struggling with his own demons, but then our director did something very out of character and confirmed another major detail of his sequel – there will be time travel. No, really. James went on to explain that “The Further” can be used for time travel in a way, and we can expect to visit our main cast of characters around 1986, were we get to meet younger versions of the cast played by new actors. Horror, time travel, other dimensions, hot damn James Wan, stop making everyone else look so bad!

While that might be it on the Insidious: Chapter 2 info Wan released, the horror guru also expressed his interest in helming his own comic book movie if he were given the chance. Hey, I think the Fast And Furious franchise will do just fine for now, but I’d love to see Wan get a Marvel or DC property for himself. Wan then got in touch with a side of himself no one expected to hear, as James explained how he’s a bit of a romantic, and he’d love to do his own adaptation of Beauty And The Beast which is able to display the dark nature of the beast mixed with Belle’s heartwarming love story. Didn’t see that coming, did you?

I know you’re probably all salivating now and cursing my name, but have no fear Insidious: Chapter 2 fans, you can catch the trailer yourself when it’s released today (June 5th) all over the Internet. Don’t worry though, as soon as it’s released you better believe we’ll have it posted, this way you won’t have to do the digging yourself! Be sure to check back later today for your first glimpse at James Wan’s highly anticipated horror sequel, then you can start your countdown to the official release date of September 13th.

Well, are you ready for another trip into “The Further” with the Lamberts? I know I am, I’ve got my trusty lantern and everything! I know, be jealous.
