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Is Introducing The X-Force In Deadpool 2 A Good Idea?

Deadpool 2 will provide us with the introduction to the mutant superhero team known as X-Force, but is that a good idea in the long run?

Does X-Force Belong In Deadpool 2?

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Well, the question still lingers here: Is it a good idea to introduce the X-Force in Deadpool 2? From the outside, the answer is simple: Yes, it’s a brilliant idea. In fact, it’s a stroke of genius.

By latching onto the Merc with the Mouth’s popularity, Fox is creating the potential of a new big money franchise. Ryan Reynolds recently confirmed there isn’t a Deadpool 3 in the pipeline, but that he would be in X-Force. This suggests that the franchise will be built around Wade Wilson going forward.

While it’s a departure from the comic book series where Cable is the leader, we wouldn’t put it past the filmmakers to tease a tense relationship between Nathan Summers and Deadpool over the group’s leadership. The potential for a comedic superhero team-up is immense, and the X-Force film could be a hearty combination of The Hangover and Avengers: Infinity War, which is something that we haven’t seen before.

Fox has been smart in another aspect, too. They haven’t run full steam ahead into X-Force. If for some reason, the team isn’t warmly received in Deadpool 2, then there’s still time to can the project before it hits production.

Another thing to keep in mind is Conrad’s report about X-Force’s death in the movie. If this plot device is still intact, the average viewer’s reception will need to be gauged. While most comic book fans think their opinion is superior to others (because they read the source material), the only thing that matters is the money and butts in the cinema seats. It’s possible that the audience will lap it up and get behind it.

For now, we’ll have to hold thumbs and hope that the X-Force is given the treatment they deserve in Deadpool 2. Judging by Liefeld’s Tweet, where he said, “Movie is a blast. Dream come true. Spectacular hurdle cleared” and to get ready for Deadpool, Domino, and Cable, we have nothing to worry about. So, let’s put a little faith in Wade and all those pouch-loving superheroes he hangs out with.