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Why Iron Man Needs To Die In Avengers: Infinity War

Sorry, Iron Man stans, but the truth hurts. Your boy Tony Stark needs to die in Avengers: Infinity War, not Captain America.

Robert Downey Jr. Deserves A Break

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Avengers: Infinity War will be Robert Downey Jr’s ninth appearance as Iron Man. Pause for a moment and take that in. Ninth appearance (including his uncredited cameo in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, which is part of the MCU). That’s almost a film a year for Marvel Studios. Simply put, that’s an incredible feat.

As Chris Evans has stated before, the superhero roles take up a bulk of his time and once locked into a contract, good luck in trying to negotiate a way out or working around it. Undoubtedly, Downey has other projects he’d like to pursue but doesn’t have the time because of all his Iron Man commitments.

He’s been the face of the franchise for a decade now, and he also deserves to take a breather. Additionally, he runs the real risk of overexposure. Much like John Cena in the WWE, the audience will get exhausted of seeing the same face over and over again.

Tell us, do you think that Iron Man should die in Avengers: Infinity War? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.