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Is Miles Morales stronger than Peter Parker in ‘Across the Spider-Verse?’

If the two Spideys ever lock webs, who would win?

Peter Parker and Miles Morales
Images via Sony Pictures

The much-awaited sequel to Into the Spider-Verse will finally premiere on June 2, ending the unwavering wait of every Spider-Man fan since 2018. Into the Spider-Verse set a high standard for the sequel, and early reviews of the film already suggest it’s beyond the hype. The movie will form the “web of destiny” and bring together the various web-slingers, including Miguel O’Hara, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, and our very own Peter B. Parker.

For the unversed, Across the Spider-Verse is set in a shared multiverse of alternate universes called the Spider-Verse. The movie will focus on the story of an alternate Spider-Man, a bi-racial teenager named Miles Morales, who travels with Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman) on an expedition across the multiverse in search of the Spider Society. Comic book fans might already be familiar with Morales, who first appeared in the comics in Ultimate Fallout #4 following the death of Peter Parker.

Morales must live up to the expectations of both the people in his world that he must save and the innumerable Spider-Man fans who desire a movie that surpasses the last one in terms of its mind-blowing quotient. Amid all the speculations, theories, and discussions, the query of the “superior” Spider-Man sticks out as a major one. Peter Parker, as the mainstream Spider-Man in the MCU, has gained immense love and praise. However, the most-loved Spider-Man now has competition, and we must settle the debate about who’s stronger.

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Spider-Man powers: What’s common between Peter Parker and Miles Morales?

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse pointing meme
Image via Sony Pictures Animation

Peter Parker turned into Spider-Man after being bitten by a radioactive spider. In his comic book origin, Morales also transforms into Spider-Man after being bitten by a spider that Norman Osborn, Spider-Man’s arch-enemy, genetically modified in an effort to mimic those abilities. As a result, they both possess the same abilities that come with being Spider-Man.

Parker and Morales can lift tremendous weights aligning with the proportionate strength of a spider when enraged or under extreme stress. They can run at speeds quicker than average people, cars, and even airplanes. When it comes to battle, they are 25 times more agile than average and can jump and leap up to 100 meters. They have similar superhuman reflexes, endurance, equilibrium, and a component that speeds up healing.

The two also possess the most well-known spider-power, spider-sense, or what Parker’s aunt refers to as “Peter tingle,” which enables them to foresee danger before it occurs. Their reflexes can respond in milliseconds thanks to this precognitive sense, which is swift enough to allow them to dodge even a bullet.

Now that their inherent powers are sorted, what makes the two different?

Peter Parker’s abilities have given him multiple victories over intergalactic threats and supervillains

Image via Insomniac Games

The most remarkable characteristic of Peter Parker is his genius-level intellect. He is an expert in mechanics, engineering, applied science, chemistry, physics, and biology. With his skills, Peter made his own red and blue Spider-Man outfit as well as his most recognizable piece of mechanical gear, the web shooter. Additionally, he wears a utility belt that is loaded with tracking gadgets of his own design, known as Spider-Tracers, and web fluid cartridges for reloading.

In hand-to-hand fighting, Peter Parker was able to compete with strong supervillains like Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Kingpin, Kraven the Hunter, Venom, and other Marvel superheroes. He has years of experience fending off immediate dangers and has benefited from Tony Stark’s invaluable tutelage. Even Reed Richards, the father figure of the Fantastic Four and one of the top 10 most intelligent fictional characters, acknowledges that Peter knows more about biology than he does.

Miles Morales is a new-age hero and possesses advanced powers

Image via Sony Pictures

As a smart 13-year-old nerd with a talent for science, Miles Morales was originally developed by Brian Michael Bendis and illustrator Sara Pichelli to replace Peter Parker. The character first appeared as a young teen in Into the Spider-Verse and now will be the hero of Across the Spider-Verse. Morales and Parker’s Spider-Man have essentially identical abilities due to similar origins. However, he has two abilities that set him apart from Parker. Morales has the power of camouflage, which helps him blend in with his environment by concealing himself completely, even his attire. He also possesses a unique attack called “venom strike” that can briefly paralyze practically anyone with just a touch. It’s a form of bio-electrokinesis that messes with the neural system of the adversary.

However, Parker has a stronger spider sense than Morales. While Peter’s spider sense can alert him to danger far further in advance, Morales can only predict threats that are more immediate. He also has significantly less fighting experience and falls short of Parker’s through-the-roof intelligence.

Peter Parker vs. Miles Morales, who wins?

Image via Sony Interactive Entertainment

It goes without saying that choosing one over the other is a titan’s trial. Peter Parker possesses a superior intellect and mastery over his powers. On the other hand, despite his newly discovered powers, Miles Morales has demonstrated incredible promise and progress as a hero. A confrontation between the two renowned Spider-Man(s) would probably be fierce and hotly disputed.

Morales’ advanced powers like the venom strike might give him an upper hand, but given Parker’s excellent spider sense and seasoned edge as a fighter, he can sense the danger beforehand and probably find a way to counter the attack or dodge it. So, if push comes to shove, Morales might not come out as the victor.