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Is there a ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ popcorn bucket?

We can't stop thinking about it, that's for sure.

Wade Wilson and Logan in Deadpool & Wolverine
Photo via Marvel Studios

Aside from the eye-popping quality presented in a super-sized feature, one of the most alluring aspects of heading out to theaters is the occasional chance of scoring a decorative popcorn bucket. In the past, the long-standing Scream franchise and Transformers have executed these collectibles, but folks are now undoubtedly excited about the Deadpool & Wolverine popcorn bucket.

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After months of grueling anticipation, Marvel fanatics are finally being awarded new information about the upcoming superhero extravaganza which features two of the most popular figures in the MCU realm. So far, a variety of behind-the-scenes stills have been revealed, along with the first trailer for the action-packed film being released during this year’s Super Bowl, along with the full trailer recently being unveiled. And yet, all eyes remain on the aforementioned popcorn bucket and all of its mystery and ever-growing hype.

As to be expected, hype about the snack collectible has sent MCU supporters into an absolute frenzy, with the majority pacing back and forth in suspense and wondering how exactly the popcorn bucket will be months before the movie is set to release in theaters this summer.

So, what is the Deadpool 3 popcorn bucket?

After the first face-melting trailer engaged the superhero-loving masses during this year’s Super Bowl, star Ryan Reynolds seemingly wasted little time in regards to getting the entire MCU bubble excited beyond belief. In doing so, Reynolds took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to drop subtle hints about the Deadpool & Wolverine popcorn bucket, insisting “wait till you see” to his millions of followers — many of whom were probably already drooling at the mouth at the time.

At the time of this writing, we now have confirmation that the aforementioned popcorn bucket does exist, and Reynolds himself quickly took to X to share the glory with his followers and die-hard Marvel fanatics. You can check out the official popcorn bucket for yourself down below:

Previously, folks were worried that the popcorn bucket was fake, since Reynolds is known to pull a leg or two and “joke” with folks. Then again, when you consider the enormous excitement building around the upcoming flick, it would have been absolutely silly to not capitalize on its popularity and utilize a popcorn collectible as an extra source of income — especially with Marvel movies being in the toilet as of late and otherwise losing money for Disney.

That being said, fans are surely anticipating grabbing the Wolverine popcorn bucket for themselves to enjoy with the movie by the time it arrives on July 26. For now, however, it remains to be seen if Deadpool himself will also receive a popcorn bucket that looks like him, so folks will have to remain patient on that front. But if you’re already interested in getting your hands on one of these collectibles, then it’s probably best to keep your eyes peeled and purchase a bucket for yourself when you attend the long-awaited movie.