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Isaac Feldberg’s 15 Worst Movies Of 2014

Here's the sad truth about life as a film critic - in order to get to the good stuff, you have to sift through a whole lot of shit first. This year, that law held as true as ever, and though 2014 yielded some truly extraordinary works of cinematic decadence and beauty, it also gave us some real clunkers. For every Guardians of the Galaxy, there was an Amazing Spider-Man 2. For every Interstellar, there was a Transcendence. This year, Hollywood rained such an unrelenting deluge of crapola down on moviegoers that some still claim 2014 was one of the worst years for movies on record.

11) The Bag Man

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the bag man

How the mighty have fallen. That Robert De Niro’s name is attached to this no-good, terrible, very bad excuse for a thriller is funnier than anything in That Awkward Moment. Luckily, the esteemed actor gets off more lightly than John Cusack, whom director David Grovic holds hostage in front of the camera for nearly the entire 108-minute run time.

Cusack plays a thug tasked with guarding an all-important bag – but not looking inside it – by De Niro’s mob boss. With people coming after the bag, the thug takes refuge at a seedy motel, where he crosses paths with a prostitute (Rebecca De Costa) and an array of nasty characters. As a film, the best I can say about The Bag Man is that it just about makes sense. Outside of that meager qualification, though, it’s a draining, dreary disaster.

From Cusack’s sleepy lead performance to an atrociously dumb script and unsightly direction, The Bag Man fails on all counts. Luckily, with so many other thrillers bobbing around in the bargain bin, the chances that you’ll accidentally find yourself watching it are slim. But make damn sure – follow my lead and banish Cusack from your list of approved action leads.