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Isaac Feldberg’s 15 Worst Movies Of 2014

Here's the sad truth about life as a film critic - in order to get to the good stuff, you have to sift through a whole lot of shit first. This year, that law held as true as ever, and though 2014 yielded some truly extraordinary works of cinematic decadence and beauty, it also gave us some real clunkers. For every Guardians of the Galaxy, there was an Amazing Spider-Man 2. For every Interstellar, there was a Transcendence. This year, Hollywood rained such an unrelenting deluge of crapola down on moviegoers that some still claim 2014 was one of the worst years for movies on record.

10) That Awkward Moment

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that awkward moment

That awkward moment when I was somewhat excited for this Miles Teller, Zac Efron and Michael B. Jordan-led rom-com. That awkward moment when I sat down to watch it and immediately realized I’d made a terrible mistake. That awkward moment when I found the end credits funnier than the actual movie.

That Awkward Moment is all the evidence those who lament the mass-produced superficiality of the Hollywood rom-com need on which to rest their case. The script barrages the film’s three lead actors with cliches, turns their characters into dimwitted horndogs and adds insult to injury by failing to even make them funny. Either Teller, Efron and Jordan have the collective mentality of a ten-year-old, or they forgot to read the script on this one. Their mistake – the three talented actors had been on promising tracks up until this disaster hit (luckily, all three appear to have recovered).

On top of its other offenses, when Dakota Johnson, Imogen Poots and Jessica Lucas enter the picture as the three unlucky objects of said horndogs’ affections, That Awkward Moment reveals itself to be much more sexist than sexy. Why? Do studio execs think audiences find that kind of misogyny entertaining, instead of insulting? Whenever I think Hollywood has made some progress in its depiction of modern dating, along comes a lemon like this to prove me dead wrong.