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It might be cool to hate on one of the best ‘Star Wars’ movies ever, but I’m proud to be uncool

Every word of what you just said was wrong.

rogue one
Photo via Lucasfilm

It’s easy to look back in hindsight and say that the Disney Star Wars movies haven’t been very good. You wouldn’t be wrong if you said that the films added to the mythos post 2015 have been disappointing, but a line has been crossed as some set their targets on Rogue One.

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If hating on Rogue One is cool I guess that makes me pretty uncool because it’s one of the best Star Wars films since the original trilogy, (although that isn’t saying much). For those that dislike it, their reasoning lies with the rushed pacing and poor characterization and plot. One redditor’s post in the Star Wars subreddit sums up their thoughts pretty well.

“It had a lot of potential, but the pacing feels rushed, there’s not enough time to connect with any of the main characters, too many plot points come out of left field, and none of the characters sacrifices are ever acknowledged moving forward. In ANH Mon Monthma mentions ‘Many Bothans died to bring us this information’ but how many bothans play a part in the events of Rogue One? The plot of the movie isn’t particularly well constructed and it doesn’t fit within existing canon. Solo is a far better movie and doesn’t get near the amount of praise that Rogue One gets. Am I missing something? Why do people like Rogue One so much?”

Well, you had me up until that bit about Solo being the better movie. Yes the movie has its issues but so does every Star Wars movie. It’s the rest of it that makes it a good movie. You can’t deny, it was a completely fresh approach to the material. No Jedi, no force, a straight-up war movie. It fell flat in some parts but more than made up for it with its gritty story and visuals.

Don’t worry though, it seems the majority of fans stepped in to defend the film. Many praised how the story of Rogue One fit in so well with the beginning of A New Hope. Praise for the acting and directing were also major positives among other things.

“You’re right, it’s not a good movie. It’s a great movie.”

Although some agreed with the OP with many admitting that the film had its flaws, even then many admitted that there was still a lot to love about the film.

“I don’t think it’s a very good movie either, but it does have lots of really great stuff in it. I find Jyn Erso unlikeable and don’t care about her personal story. There’s lots going on around her which I love, but I don’t think that makes it a good film per se.”

It all comes down to what you personally like to see in a movie. There are some really gritty depictions of war and some great sad moments that won’t appeal to everyone. No movie is perfect but that being said, Rogue One is a pretty great Star Wars story, and if anything, we have this movie to thank for Andor.