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It’s fitting that one of the greatest horror remakes of all-time has one of the genre’s best-ever opening scenes

Plunging you right into the thick of the action.

dawn of the dead 2004
Photo via Universal

It might sting a certain section of the DCU fandom to hear it, but Zack Snyder’s very first movie – the phenomenal Dawn of the Dead remake – is also his highest-rated on Rotten Tomatoes to this day. Technically, the filmmaker has never bettered it, and it must hurt even more to know that the script was penned by none other than James Gunn.

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One of Snyder’s hallmarks throughout his entire career have been impeccably-crafted opening scenes that plunge you right into the thick of the action, while using visual exposition to deploy major story beats. It’s not an easy technique to master, but he’s managed it since the very beginning, even if Dawn of the Dead is once again the finest example bar none.

dawn of the dead
via Universal

By the time Sarah Polley’s Ana returns home from a night shift as a nurse, realizes the zombie apocalypse is upon us, fends off a feral child, and escaped headlong into a world that no longer resembles our own, everyone knows exactly where they stand. It delivers action, intrigue, thrills, chills, spills, and plenty more besides, setting the stage for what’s to come.

Dawn of the Dead might be regarded as one of the best horror remakes there’s ever been – which it very much is – but it’s also got an opening scene that can stand toe-to-toe with anything scary cinema has had to offer across its lengthy and distinguished existence, a feat that’s arguably even more impressive.

You need to catch a viewer’s attention right from the offset, and there aren’t many to have done it any better.