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It’s time for the SnyderVerse to put up or shut up on the last day of Zack Snyder’s Full Circle event

Today could be the day where the dream dies, or gets reborn.

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Image via Warner Bros.

Much like the DCU fandom at large, the sentiment heading into this weekend’s Full Circle event created by Zack Snyder has been split into two distinct camps.

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There’s the longtime backers of the SnyderVerse who remain utterly convinced that the final day will end with the bombshell announcement that their beloved mythology will rise from the ashes and be restored just as they always wanted, while others believe the man himself will make it unequivocally clear that is days dealing with DC blockbusters are well and truly over.

zack snyder's justice league
via Warner Bros.

Of course, there’s also the third camp operating under the assumption that the lights will come up following the IMAX screening of the Justice League Snyder Cut and everyone will simply up and leave, but where’s the fun in that?

SnyderVerse supporters have been hedging their bets so heavily on Full Circle that there’s going to be some seriously spicy reactions should it draw to a close with a whimper as opposed to a bang, while the other side of the divide will have the smuggest of looks on their faces as the “told you so” responses come thick and fast.

It really is a put up or shut up moment, especially with James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 releasing next week to tie a ribbon on his Marvel Cinematic Universe duties so he can fully focus on DC Studios, meaning that the tensions will be running high long into the night as everyone waits with bated breath for whatever news may come, whether it’s good or bad.