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Jack Huston In The Running To Play Doctor Strange

File this one under 'rumors' until we hear something more concrete, but This Is Infamous is reporting that Jack Huston, the up-and-comer known for his role on HBO's Boardwalk Empire, is in the running to play the Sorcerer Supreme in Marvel's upcoming Phase Three title Doctor Strange.


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File this one under ‘rumors’ until we hear something more concrete, but This Is Infamous is reporting that Jack Huston, the up-and-comer known for his role on HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, is in the running to play the Sorcerer Supreme in Marvel’s upcoming Phase Three title Doctor Strange.

The site doesn’t name its sources but claims that Huston, who will next be seen slaying the Victorian undead in the genre mashup Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, is “under consideration” for the role, and that “Marvel is very close to settling on a guy.”

Other actors who have been rumored to be in the mix for the part include Joaquin Phoenix (looking less likely every day, especially when one considers his noted distaste for big Hollywood productions), Jon Hamm (who has flat-out denied that he’s in the running) and Benedict Cumberbatch (who has also denied reports). Matthew Modine has also lobbied quite loudly to play Stephen Strange, but Marvel is giving no indication that it has heard the actor.

We know that Doctor Strange will not be an origin story but will instead find Stephen Strange already established as the Sorcerer Supreme. Jon Spaiths penned the script, and Sinister helmer Scott Derrickson is set to direct.

This Is Infamous claims, “Of all the properties that have been incorporated into Marvel’s big screen model, Doctor Strange is [Marvel head honcho Kevin] Feige’s baby, and he is handling this project with care to make sure it is about as close to perfect as possible,” which ties in with other reports on the matter. With that in mind, it makes sense that Feige doesn’t want to take casting a Stephen Strange lightly.

What do you make of Huston as Doctor Strange? Does he have the right look for the part, or should Marvel keep searching? Let us know below.