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James Franco To Face Off Against Jason Statham In Homefront

Modern day Renaissance man James Frano is looking to tackle another out of character role, this time squaring off against one of today's hottest action stars. The Film Stage is reporting Franco is set to face off against Jason Statham in the upcoming film Homefront, penned by non other than John Rambo himself, Sylvester Stallone.

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Modern day Renaissance man James Franco is looking to tackle yet another out of character role, this time squaring off against one of today’s hottest action stars. The Film Stage is reporting that Franco is set to face off against Jason Statham in the upcoming film Homefront, penned by none other than John Rambo himself, Sylvester Stallone.

Now before we get too excited, Stallone will only serve in a writing and producing capacity. Directorial duties have been passed to Runaway Jury helmer Gary Fleder, but still expect a fair amount of carnage via the man who also scripted 2008’s brutal reboot of Rambo.

In Homefront, Jason Statham will play a former DEA agent named Phil Broker, who moves his family into a new locale running rampant with drugs and violence.  Franco will play the “evil meth magnate” Gator, the man behind all the devastation, who apparently rubs Statham’s character the wrong way. Phil makes it his mission to counter the villainous druggie, cleaning up the streets of his new home.

For those of you still not excited, let me repeat that. James Franco will be playing a strung out drug dealer named Gator and will fight hand to hand with Jason Statham. We know Franco can pull off the drug dealer persona, playing goofball Saul in the comedy Pineapple Express, but turning the respected actor into a grungy dirtball excites on a totally separate level. Not to mention Franco had a villanous cameo in The Green Hornet, but again the actor was playing more for laughs.

Chances are James Franco won’t be laughing after Jason Statham kicks the snot out of him, but the all too familiar premise sounds tenfold more exciting with Franco’s inclusion. Personally, I can’t wait to see what Franco can do with the gritty antagonist Gator.

Do you think the versatile actor will be able to deliver a character worthy enough to take on Jason Statham? Or is James Franco outmatched in this battle.