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James Gunn Already Has Ideas For Guardians Of The Galaxy 3

Once deemed a creative and financial risk, Guardians of the Galaxy blew past expectations when it released earlier this year and imbued Marvel with a resounding sense of confidence -- a confidence that has facilitated the announcement of other off-beat projects such as Inhumans and of course, a Guardians sequel. But it seems as though the journey of the studio's beloved ragtag crew won't end there.

Guardians of the Galaxy

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Once deemed a creative and financial risk, Guardians of the Galaxy blew past expectations when it released earlier this year and imbued Marvel with a resounding sense of confidence — a confidence that has facilitated the announcement of other off-beat projects such as Inhumans and of course, a Guardians sequel. But it seems as though the journey of the studio’s beloved ragtag crew won’t end there.

At least, that’s according to director James Gunn, who spoke to The Playlist about the potential to make Guardians of the Galaxy into a trilogy.

“We open up on a Mission: Impossible scenario where all the characters die… No, to be honest, I had the basic story for number two while I was working on number one, and perhaps even beyond that. So it’s gonna answer a lot of questions that are proposed in the first one, and we’ll be able to get to know some of the characters we didn’t get to know in the first one a little bit more, and we might meet a few new characters too.”

Alas, Gunn doesn’t out-and-out confirm a third iteration in the series, but his comments indicate that the potential for a threequel is there should Marvel issue the greenlight. Because for now, we only have confirmation of Guardians of the Galaxy 2, which was recently pushed forward to May 5th, 2017 to make room for fellow sequel, Thor: Ragnarok. Still, going off of Gunn’s interview, it appears as though the filmmaker will remain involved in the ever-expanding MCU for a while yet.

“I very much knew that there were certain things about Guardians that needed to stay the Marvel way, but then figuring out a way around them to do my own thing was I think part of what made me have so much fun with the movie. So there’s always those things, whether they’re budgetary or otherwise. And even on Guardians, there was a lot of budgetary constraints.”

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will zoom into theaters on May 5th, 2017. For now, tell us, would you like to see the franchise expanded into a trilogy? Give us your thoughts below.