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James Gunn’s most desperate critics resort to manufacturing non-existent criticism of Matt Reeves

There are very few straws left to clutch at.

matt reeves the batman
via Warner Bros.

It’s become clear that a lot of DC fans are never going to get on board with James Gunn and Peter Safran’s plans for the future of the franchise, unless of course Chapter 1 – Gods & Monsters proves to be so strong across the board in terms of consistency and quality that there’s no other option.

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For now, though, haters will continue to hate, and the latest effort to try and drum up some backlash against the Marvel Cinematic Universe veteran is to take one of his recent tweets completely out of context and repaint it as having a dig in the direction of The Batman‘s Matt Reeves.

The initial post in question came from fairly eye-rolling origins to begin with, after Gunn was forced to literally point out what the meaning behind a shared universe was supposed to be. The filmmaker opined that he doesn’t think “a vision for any good film starts with not being something. It must fully be its own thing, not the shadow (nor the copy) of another work.”

Naturally, then, the quote has been pulled in isolation and marked as the driving force behind a Reddit thread dubbed “shots fired at Matt Reeves.” As expected, the majority of the comments are questioning why a context-free soundbite that makes no mention of The Batman director or his contributions to DC has been used to try and stir up debate.

The easiest answer is because folks are going to trash Gunn no matter what he does, and it’s something we’re going to have to get used to.