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Jamie Foxx Says Black Panther Convinced Him To Star In Spawn Reboot

Jamie Foxx's last venture into superhero territory didn't go too well, with the Academy Award-winning actor dialling his performance as Electro in The Amazing-Spider Man 2 way too far over the top, but no matter what he brought to the role, there was no way he could have saved the movie's weak script and lack of focus, with Sony clearly having one eye on expanding their planned Spidey universe at the expense of the story being told.


Jamie Foxx’s last venture into superhero territory didn’t go too well, with the Academy Award-winning actor dialling his performance as Electro in The Amazing-Spider Man 2 way too far over the top, but no matter what he brought to the role, there was no way he could have saved the movie’s weak script and lack of focus, with Sony clearly having one eye on expanding their planned Spidey universe at the expense of the story being told.

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However, that doesn’t seem to have deterred the 52 year-old from returning to the genre, and he’s got two upcoming superhero projects that couldn’t be more different. Netflix’s Project Power arrives tomorrow, with Foxx playing the lead role in the high-concept thriller about a street-level drug that gives people superhuman abilities for a brief period of time, and he’s also still set to play the title character in the upcoming Spawn reboot.

Todd McFarlane has frequently been talking up the latest big screen adaptation for the cult favorite hero, but despite being announced over five years ago, there hasn’t been much in the way of forward momentum, with Foxx showing fierce dedication to the movie having been attached since the earliest stages of development.

In a recent interview, the Collateral star once again reaffirmed his commitment and also admitted that the massive success of Black Panther played a huge role in letting him know that the time was right for Spawn to make a comeback.

“I surprised Todd McFarlane. I said, ‘Bro, I know that one day you will do this movie, and I hope you will keep me in mind’. What Black Panther did was let us know that it’s so necessary, and it’s the time. And Spawn is just an interesting character in itself. The heads that are being put together to bring you something special, look out.”

Jeremy Renner is the only other cast member besides Foxx that’s been revealed for Spawn so far, but McFarlane has been teasing some major additions over the last several weeks. That being said, nobody else has really been talking about the reboot apart from the writer/director, but with the leading man confirming that he’s still on board, maybe some major news is finally on the horizon.