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Jay Roach Wanted For El Presidente With Tom Cruise And Robert Downey Jr.

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Jay Roach just can’t get enough of the presidential stuff. According to Vulture, if the director of HBO’s 2008 election drama Game Change and this summer’s Will FerrellZach Galifianakis vehicle The Campaign had his druthers, he would make El Presidente for Warner Bros. — and with two of Hollywood’s biggest names.

Warner Bros. apparently wants to offer the lead roles to none other than Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise. The script comes from Parks and Recreation writer Dan Goor and reportedly goes something like this:

Basically, it follows an overzealous Secret Service agent whose work-life boundary issues get him reassigned to the inglorious task of guarding America’s worst former president, who is a bumbling sleaze. The job suddenly becomes exciting when a threat is made on the ex-president’s life and they must go on the run.

If you couldn’t figure it out, Cruise would play the Secret Service agent guarding the “bumbling sleaze” ex-president, played by Downey Jr. Roach, who directed Meet the Parents as well as the Austin Powers films, sure knows a thing or two about comedy, and Downey Jr. is an obvious pick. As for Cruise, his stock as a comic actor has risen ever since Tropic Thunder.

Warner Bros. is reportedly interested in expanding its relationship with Downey Jr., who leads their Sherlock Holmes franchise. The studio also liked the work Cruise did for them in June’s Rock of Ages and they hope to work with him on a couple more projects as well.