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Has John Cleese Confirmed His Involvement In The DC Extended Universe?

A couple of months back, rumors popped up that pointed to legendary comedic actor John Cleese joining the DC Extended Universe, with speculation pointing to him having a role in The Batman. It all began when several notable folks over at DC started following Cleese on Twitter. While that's not particularly shocking, this type of stuff has led to casting announcements in the past and as such, it caused quite a stir.


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A couple of months back, rumors popped up that suggested legendary comedic actor John Cleese would be joining the DC Extended Universe, with speculation pointing to him having a role in Justice League. It all began when several notable folks over at DC started following Cleese on Twitter. While that’s not particularly shocking, this type of stuff has led to casting announcements in the past and as such, it caused quite a stir.

That was a while ago, though, and since then all has been quiet on the matter. Until today, that is. Taking to Twitter, the actor posted a seemingly innocent photo. You can check it out below, but it seems to depict Cleese in his dressing room preparing for a Q&A. Nothing special, right? Well, actually, not quite. If you take a closer look, you may notice some very interesting books on his desk.

Eagle-eyed readers should be able to spot Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Justice League: Origin and Batman Noir: The Black Mirror sitting comfortably beside the actor. All three stories hold ties to various projects floating around the DC Extended Universe and since we don’t really take Cleese to be much of a comic book reader, we imagine they’re acting as research for an upcoming role he’s got.

This is hardly confirmation, but it’s certainly intriguing and does have people speculating. After all, DC is said to be trying to add some humor and lightheartedness into their upcoming projects, so recruiting Cleese for a role would make sense. It’s hard to say who exactly he may play, but his involvement would certainly be welcomed by fans.

Of course, there’s always the chance that the actor is just having some fun and pulling our leg, as he’s probably aware of the rumors, but we wouldn’t rule out a DCEU appearance for him just yet. All the signs point to it happening, and while it may not occur in Justice League, we wouldn’t be at all surprised to see him show up somewhere down the line – perhaps in The Batman?