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DC’s Joker Origins Movie To Take Cues From The Killing Joke

The Joker may be one of the greatest characters in all of fiction, but many people are still quite indifferent to the news of a standalone solo film being developed for him, with Martin Scorsese on board to produce, no less.

The Joker may be one of the greatest characters in all of fiction, but many people are still quite indifferent to the news of a standalone solo film being developed for him, with Martin Scorsese on board to produce, no less.

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Sure, it could work, but promises of a gritty crime drama set in the 1980’s that’s entirely separate from the DC Extended Universe is more than enough to make fans skeptical. Not to mention that the prospect of a Clown Prince of Crime potentially existing without a Batman is pure blasphemy.

Since word regarding the project got out last summer, we haven’t had too much to go on, save for Joaquin Phoenix being named as the one most likely to star as the titular character. Or at least, that’s what reports online say. But until we get some firm confirmation on the casting front, Heroic Hollywood is here to deliver some more updates.

First up, they say that while production was set to kick-off in May, the studio is now looking to a mid to late 2018 start instead. Not only that, but they mention that Phoenix, though not signed on just yet, is “close to a deal.” Things could still fall through, of course, but from everything we’ve been hearing, it seems all but certain that he’ll be playing the Clown Prince of Crime in the pic.

Heath Ledger as the Joker in The Dark Knight

Finally, and perhaps most interesting of the updates, is that apparently, the movie will take some cues from The Killing Joke and feature the iconic villain as “a failed 1980s comedian who becomes The Joker after bombing with audiences.” It’ll be a younger version of Mr. J, too, one who was “tormented over the permanent smile put on his face.” No further details were revealed, but as production begins to heat up, we imagine more will be coming our way soon.

While we’re certainly intrigued by what’s going on with the Joker origin film at the moment, it’s still tough to get on board with it. Truth be told, it just seems unnecessary. I mean, if you’re even remotely familiar with the Clown Prince of Crime, then you’d know he has no true origin story. Granted, tales such as the aforementioned Killing Joke and Lovers and Madmen have filled in some of the blanks, but the former stressed that the character himself prefers for his background to be “multiple choice.”


Because of this, fans have deduced that he’s often lying when discussing his history, or that he’s so far gone he can’t properly remember it. Not surprisingly, this has already become a hot point for discussion on social media, with there being arguments for both sides (but mostly negative).

The Joker is still simmering in the formative stages of development, but we’ll be keeping a close eye on the project – including Phoenix’s potential involvement in it – as more details begin to emerge.