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That Classic X-Men Character From Deadpool 2 May Return

Ryan Reynolds is actually on double duty in Deadpool 2. As well as leading the X-Men universe sequel, he also provided the motion capture for another character in the film. And it's not just a minor part, either, but rather, a classic comic book villain who has a sizeable role. That's right, Reynolds played the Juggernaut!

Ryan Reynolds is actually on double duty in Deadpool 2. As well as leading the X-Men universe sequel, he also provided the motion capture for another character in the film. And it’s not just a minor part, either, but rather, a classic comic book villain who has a sizeable role. That’s right, Reynolds played the Juggernaut!

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Though it’d been rumored for a long time, Juggernaut’s appearance in Deadpool 2 was kept secret in the marketing for the movie. That was probably made easier by the fact that they got Wade Wilson himself to double up and take on the role, rather than bring in another actor and have to keep their appointment hush-hush.

As we reported earlier, Juggernaut was actually created via a combination of Reynolds and director David Leitch, who revealed the truth about the character to Cinema Blend. In the same interview, Leitch teased that we might not have seen the last of the X-Men villain, either. Even though he was defeated by DP and his pals in Deadpool 2, there’s still room for him to come back. After all, nothing can stop the Juggernaut, right?

The director explained that the next time Cain Marko appears, he hopes to explore the character’s particular skillset some more, as the choice of location for his big battle in Deadpool 2 didn’t really lend itself to his particular brand of destruction. If he does return, Leitch also wants to make better use of Juggernaut’s signature move: wrecking some sh*t.

“I think there’s ground in the future to really expand on his powers. He only comes into the movie in the third act, and we kind of set the location, and I mean there’s only so much you can do with him in a mano a mano fight, you know?

The Juggernaut’s action comes from him like plowing through stuff, and he’s unstoppable, and we just didn’t really have that in the construct of the set piece. So I do look forward to in future installments, if they want to bring him back, to watch him wreck some shit.”

Tell us, did you enjoy Juggernaut’s role in Deadpool 2? And would you like to see Reynolds play him again? Join the conversation in the comments section down below.