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Just 25 of the best memes to come from the drama-filled ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ premiere

Even if 'Don't Worry Darling' ends up flopping, this premiere gave us more drama than we could ever need.

don't worry darling cast drama memes
Credit: Kate Green/Getty Images

The Venice Film Festival premiere of Olivia Wilde’s latest directorial effort Don’t Worry Darling has been nothing if not drama-filled. In fact, the drama that has unfolded in the last few hours far outweighs any drama displayed within the actual film.

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First, there’s the ongoing rumored tension between Wilde and star Florence Pugh, who missed the press conference for the film only to show up on the red carpet blowing everyone else out of the water. Co-stars Harry Styles and Nick Kroll inexplicably kissed during the premiere’s four-minute standing ovation. A four-minute standing ovation that, according to critics who were there, wasn’t even that good

Not only that, the ovation might’ve gone on longer had Pugh not made a dash for the exit without so much as even acknowledging Olivia Wilde’s presence. Adding more behind-the-scenes drama to the behind-the-scenes drama, Pugh and Wilde’s respective stylists are going at it on Instagram.

Finally, last but certainly not least, we have #Spitgate. Did Harry Styles spit on co-star Chris Pine? And, if he did, why? Needless to say, we’re worried, darling!

As more and more utter chaos continued to surface from the event, eagle-eyed internet users stayed glued to their screens for just an utterance of new drama. But, in lieu of any new drama, they resorted to responding to the mayhem in the only way they know how: memes.

First, there’s Pugh’s apparent apathy towards one of her biggest films of the year. 


And then we have Olivia Wilde trying so desperately to push through the drama.

What did Chris Pine and Gemma Chan do to deserve dealing with this mess?

And why on EARTH did Harry Styles allegedly spit on said Chris? We said Pratt, Harry, not Pine!


May the press for this film last forever. Don’t Worry Darling is due out in cinemas nationwide on Sept. 23.