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Kane Hodder Is Game For Another Victor Crowley Film

Although many of you are familiar with Kane Hodder via his portrayal of Jason Voorhees in four of the Friday the 13th films, what you may or may not know is that he's found much success in recent years thanks to the Hatchet series. And with his latest reprisal of the titular character in Victor Crowley, he's further cemented himself as one of the more prolific horror icons.

Although many of you are familiar with Kane Hodder via his portrayal of Jason Voorhees in four of the Friday the 13th films, what you may or may not know is that he’s found much success in recent years thanks to the Hatchet series. And with his latest reprisal of the titular character in Victor Crowley, he’s further cemented himself as one of the more prolific horror icons.

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Speaking of which, as lovers of horror, we may have grown accustomed to the idea of sequels more than those of any other genre. Really, it’s just expected at this point, especially when it comes to anything with a recognizable threat/monster as the centerpiece.

Knowing this, I’d have been remiss if I didn’t bring up the subject of Victor Crowley and the prospect of a fifth outing when speaking with Hodder at Astronomicon last weekend, considering that there are a variety of possibilities that could serve as a springboard to where the series could go next.

Here’s what Hodder had to say regarding that:

“There’s a variety of possibilities now that [writer/director] Adam Green has brought Victor back ten years later. And I love playing the character and I just love the Hatchet movies because Adam Green is such a genius by putting such comedic elements in a scary film that don’t detract from the horror of it.

“You can be laughing one minute and a couple minutes later, you’re terrified, and nothing is at the expense of the other. That’s a hard thing to pull off, doing comedy in a scary horror film, but Adam does it well and, Victor Crowley, a lot of fans are saying it’s their favorite of all four of ’em.”

Of course, you’re probably looking for confirmation on his end that he’ll come back, which was given moments later:

“Now, I’ve played Jason four times, I’ve played Victor four times. I’d love to continue with that if he [Green] can make it happen.”

So, if you’ve yet to jump aboard, be sure to pick up Victor Crowley on Blu-ray – now available on Amazon. And as always, we’ll bring you any news regarding possible sequels if and when it develops.