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Will Suicide Squad Member KGBeast Be In Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice?

As with all rumor and speculation surrounding Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, I must warn you to take this story with a grain of salt. It could either be completely legitimate and thereby introduce a relatively unknown supervillain into the DC Cinematic Universe, or it could be some J.J. Abrams-level misdirection on the part of director Zack Snyder as a way to mess with fans.

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Now, the inclusion of Knyazev’s name on a trailer could easily be a way for Zack Snyder to throw off the countless fans who eagerly and fervently dissect every single bit of information coming from the set (guilty), or it could mean that KGBeast is actually in the movie.

If the latter is true, it means that there’s yet another DC Comics character debuting in the already crowded Man of Steel sequel, but if handled correctly it could actually work. While we know characters like Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and Aquaman will be making their big screen debuts, we don’t yet know how big their roles will be. They could be supporting characters or cameos, and if balanced correctly Snyder could keep BVS from feeling overcrowded. Take, for example, the work Bryan Singer did with his immense X-Men: Days of Future Past cast, compared to how poorly Marc Webb handled his sprawling roster in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It’s not so much about how many characters you have, it’s about how you use them.

With that said, KGBeast could easily play a minor part in the film, and show up for a glorified cameo that sets him up for an appearance in David Ayer’s Suicide Squad film, which hits theaters five months later. I could easily see KGBeast having a role equivalent to that of Captain America: The Winter Soldier‘s Batroc the Leaper, who showed up for a brief action sequence at the beginning of the film and promptly disappeared.

Of course, that’s just speculation on my part, and as I said this may not actually be true. In any case, KGBeast would be a strange but interesting addition to Batman V Superman, and the connection to the Suicide Squad is what gives the rumor a bit of weight.

Tell us, would you like to see KGBeast appear in Batman V Superman? Or is that one character too many? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25th, 2016. Suicide Squad debuts on August 5th, 2016.