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The Last Jedi’s Rian Johnson Offers Brief Status Update On His New Star Wars Trilogy

The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson has hinted at all of the potential brimming beneath the surface of his nascent Star Wars trilogy.

Rian Johnson has been entrusted with Lucasfilm’s fourth Star Wars trilogy.

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Two weeks ago, the Powers That Be formally announced that Johnson, writer and director on The Last Jedi, would spearhead three brand new Star Wars films replete with new characters, an original story, and a whole new setting, which is to say that it’ll take place in a different pocket of that famous, far-away galaxy. How’s that for a blank canvas?

It is, in essence, the stuff dreams are made of, and we can’t imagine there are many filmmakers out there who would think twice about creating three totally original instalments in what is arguably the biggest franchise in entertainment. And though there are precious few details currently available – Rian Johnson is seemingly at the “very beginning” of the creative process – the filmmaker himself told YouTuber Kenna McHugh (via Screen Rant) that there is “just so much potential” bubbling beneath the surface.

We’re gonna have to see. I’m just in the very beginning of starting to come up with what the new trilogy is going to be. But I can tell you this, what makes me so excited about it, is the idea of doing a new story on the big canvas of three movies in this world. There’s just so much potential and I can’t wait to jump into it.

There’s never been a better time to be a Star Wars fan, what with The Last Jedi, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Episode IX and a nascent Obi-Wan spinoff all gestating in various stages of development. Word is Lucasfilm also has plans for both Boba Fett and Yoda, which ought to make a nice counter to Rian Johnson’s original trilogy.

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, the director’s first port of call will be ushering The Last Jedi into theaters on December 15th.